




Tesla Scandal: False Autonomy - Shock Revelations!

29/07/2023 at 01:33

False autonomy of Tesla electric vehicles ten years ago

A source close to Tesla reveals two fraudulent practices within the American firm, dating back ten years. The first concerns the range of electric and hybrid vehicles, where Tesla knowingly lied by using rigged software to embellish range estimates down to half the battery. Thereafter, the forecasts gradually approached reality.

This deception regarding the range of electric and hybrid vehicles is of particular concern, as it can directly impact user journeys and challenge customer confidence in purchasing an all-electric vehicle. Indeed, plug-in electric cars are often presented as zero-emission vehicles, thus helping to reduce CO2 emissions and fight pollution.

However, in the automotive sector, there are different engine options, including hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles, as well as thermal models with diesel or gasoline engines. It is essential that car manufacturers provide reliable information on the actual range of their vehicles, whatever their engine.


The implementation of a 'buffer' to avoid breakdowns during recharging

In addition to the questionable algorithms, Tesla would also have implemented a "buffer" of 24 kilometers after the display of 0 km of autonomy, making it possible to avoid breakdowns during recharging. This practice would have been initiated under the request of Elon Musk himself to display more attractive autonomy figures to customers.

However, these practices are not without consequences for the environment. Electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles are often promoted as low-emission and CO2-saving solutions, but the use of these fraudulent algorithms can lead to over-consumption of energy and increased polluting emissions, which contradicts the objective of a cleaner all-electric.

Current use of algorithms uncertain and impact on registrations

It is currently unknown if Tesla continues to use these fraudulent algorithms. Reuters has not obtained information as to their current use, but the case raises doubts about Tesla's often hazy data communication.

These revelations could also affect Tesla electric vehicle registrations. Indeed, if customers discover that range estimates are misleading, this may influence their decision to purchase an electric vehicle, particularly when they are eligible for green bonuses based on the vehicle's performance in terms of fuel efficiency. emissions and consumption.

A special team to deflect customer complaints

Tesla would have set up a "diversion team" in Las Vegas, intended to prevent customers complaining of autonomy problems from coming to the workshop. This team was canceling appointments for disgruntled customers, which would have saved Tesla repair costs.

These practices raise ethical questions and highlight automakers' responsibilities for transparency to customers. Consumers must be able to trust the information provided by manufacturers, particularly with regard to the actual range, motorization and consumption of their electric vehicles.

The role of lithium-ion in batteries and its environmental implications

It is important to mention that the batteries of electric vehicles, including those used by Tesla, are generally based on lithium-ion technology. Lithium-ion is essential for storing the energy needed to operate electric vehicles, but its extraction and production can also pose environmental challenges, especially with regard to the use of scarce resources such as lithium.

In the effort to promote electric vehicles as a cleaner alternative to traditional powertrains, it is crucial for car manufacturers to maintain a transparent and responsible approach towards the environment and consumers. All-electric vehicle models are supposed to be a solution to reduce CO2 emissions and pollutants in the automotive sector, but these Tesla practices highlight the importance of an honest and respectful approach towards customers and the environment. environment.

Potential impact on conversion premium and plug-in car models

Revelations about Tesla's practices could also impact conversion bonus policies and encouraging consumers to opt for plug-in and all-electric car models. Green bonuses offered by some governments are often aimed at encouraging the purchase of an electric vehicle with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions and air pollution.

However, if the reliability of range estimates and the actual performance of electric vehicles are called into question, this could lead to a reassessment of bonus policies and incentives to encourage the adoption of more environmentally friendly car models.

In summary , these questionable practices by Tesla could have significant repercussions for the electric vehicle industry and call into question the brand's credibility in terms of zero emissions, CO2, and pollutant reduction. Increased transparency in the automotive sector is key to maintaining consumer confidence in plug-in, all-electric, hybrid and plug-in hybrid automotive models.

Automobile manufacturers have the responsibility to provide reliable and honest information concerning the real autonomy of their vehicles, whatever their mode of propulsion, whether electric, hybrid or internal combustion vehicles. Green bonuses and conversion bonuses are important incentives to encourage the adoption of more environmentally friendly vehicles, but their effectiveness relies on consumer confidence in the actual performance of the cars offered on the market.

For the future of the automotive industry, it is essential that manufacturers implement transparent and ethical practices, in order to ensure that the vehicles offered meet customer expectations in terms of performance, range and environmental impact. . Finally, regulators and governments must also play a key role in overseeing and enforcing strict standards to ensure the integrity and reliability of the information provided by automakers.